Cattco Spring 2021 News Update

With the year already a quarter of the way through and the prospect of the Pandemic being brought under control we are very excited here at Cattco about the opportunities that lie ahead. The inclusion of Teesside in the new Freeport list as well as The Treasury and other Government Departments moving to our area can only be good news and we fully intend to capitalise on it! Already on behalf of our clients The Mandale Group we have advised on the purchase of the iconic building known as Ochre Yards in Gateshead. Formerly an old barn, this building has stood vacant for many years and Mandale Developments intend to convert it into 58 state of the art apartments.

Ochre Yards acquired on behalf of Mandale Group – existing and proposed

We also continue to advise on a number of schemes both commercial and residential and are always keen to do more so if there is anything that you think may be of interest to us please give either Tim or Robin a call.

Finally a note of our current Investments requirements can be found here and we very much look forward to hearing from you soon.